01.ZIP 597,683 07-22-94 Great Battle Demos, LMP files for DOOM
08281457.ZIP 309,925 08-28-94 Demo battle going through entire episode, LMP
1GHDEMOS.ZIP 41,416 11-18-94 Good, fast .lmp demos for Doom 1.666 Nowalk-through here, these are non-stopentertainment. E1m5 e2m2 e2m5 e2m8 e2m9 e3m1Barons For Breakfast and other carnage.
2BOSSESL.ZIP 58,192 08-17-94 Demo battle from 2Bosses Wad file, LMP for Do
3_PLAYER.ZIP 164,195 08-09-94 Demo battle from 3player Wad file, LMP for Do
4DEMOS.ZIP 93,702 03-08-94 DOOM recorded demos Levels 1 - 4 played inUltraviolence mode demonstrating all secretareas, achieving 100% kills. Requires DOOMv1.2. Extract these LMP files into your DOOMdirectory & follow the SHOWDEMO.BAT
4LMP_E14.ZIP 108,610 07-19-94 DOOM 1.5 Shareware LMP Team Game Episode One,Level Four
4LMP_E16.ZIP 177,727 07-19-94 DOOM 1.5 Shareware LMP Team Game Episode One,Level Six;
666L.ZIP 28,938 05-30-94 Doom: 666.lmp WAD not included (Doom 1.2).
ABYSSL.ZIP 38,240 06-02-94 Doom: Abyss.lmp WAD not inc.
ALNDM2QT.ZIP 928,640 09-27-94 Quick time graphic movie for Aliens Doom 2.0
ALTDEATH.ZIP 313,718 07-24-94 This is a recording of a deathmatch usingDOOM v1.5 beta and COMW v2.20
ANGST1.ZIP 191,834 01-17-95 Doom II .LMP of levels 1-7. Mostly 100%'s.Ultra-violence, no cheats. Recorded on aPentium 90. 1/14/95.
ANGST2.ZIP 190,545 01-23-95 This is a DOOM II demo file covering levels1-8 with all but one secret revealed. It'sjust fast and furious, no B.S. DOOM.Ultra-violence.
ARLMP1.ZIP 25,190 06-07-94 More Deathmatch LMP demo battles
CHUNKS.ZIP 297,369 10-08-94 Doom network deathmatch recordings with 2, 3,and 4 player LMP's. Includes a WAD withslightly modified E1M1. Must have Doom 1.666registered. Lots of chunks!
CHUNKS2.ZIP 146,631 11-13-94 Doom II 4 Player LMP 1 meg of mega chunks.Recorded with fast computers-very smooth. Allnew monsters and weapons included with PWAD.Simply copy files into Doom 2 directory andrun batch file. If you miss Doom 1 E1M1
COOLFRAG.ZIP 318,242 08-24-94 COOLFRAG is a DOOM 1.6 .LMP movie file thatdemonstrates some of the best strafing andmoving techniques to date in a deatmatch 2.0with four players. Check out E1M4 and E1M5! Abatch file is provided for a command line
CPDEMO1.ZIP 116,767 09-18-94 DOOM movie! - Watch as Copperhead of OmegaSystems blasts through the 8 levels ofepisode 1 from DOOM! A must have for aspiringDOOMmeisters. : ).
CPDEMO2.ZIP 180,675 09-24-94 DOOM movie! - Watch as Copperhead of Omegaplows through all 8 levels (yes I knowthere's a 9th) of Episode 2 from DOOM!Requires registered version of DOOM, 1.2 orhigher (this one was made with 1.666).
CYBRLMPS.ZIP 23,716 08-25-94 Cyber Death Demos (for CYBRDETH.WAD)
D2DEMO.ZIP 11,189 02-06-95 A demo for Doom2 V1.7a. It takes you thoughlevels 1 and 2 showing you where all thesecrets are. If you`re stuck, download thisnow!
D2LEV30.ZIP 7,916 11-04-94 A couple of videos (.LMP files) for Doom 2:completions of level 30 on Ultra-Violence andNightmare skill levels.
DAEMON2L.ZIP 24,797 06-02-94 Demo battle from Daemon2 Wad file, LMP for Do
DDMO01.ZIP 15,227 02-17-94 Demo of DOOM levels 1 and 2 of the first gamethis was recorded on the commercial versionbut should work on the shareware vers. Lvl2shows some secret doors and how to get thechaingun and chainsaw....... ul by Dr.Doom
DEMODOOM.ZIP 193,675 02-23-94 A demo of Episode 1 of DOOM. Recorded onversion 1.2.
DM-DON.ZIP 188,129 12-03-94 Marco Melgazzi's demo showing Doom Master Sta
DMMOVY.ZIP 57,963 04-26-94 DOOM MOVY is a group of LMPS that come with acom file which run continuously to show you awalk through of every level in the 1stepisode of DOOM. Shows all the secrets. Whyget a text file, when you can watch it
DMOZV12.ZIP 202,252 03-08-94 5 hours of Doom demos! All compleated! NeedsDOOM Version 1.2 (and popcorn) >Recorded in"Ultra-Violent" mode!<
DMTRAIN1.ZIP 29,824 09-17-94 Doom Trainer Episode 1 All maps of the 1stepisode recorded and completed with 100%kills, items, and secrets. These walk throughtraining demos are intended for beg- giningDoom players who don't know there way around
DM_DON.ZIP 188,129 12-03-94 A collection of LMP's from a guy who says heis the DOOM master! Maybe he is.
DM_V_NW1.ZIP 113,340 10-04-94 Demo of Doom Expert wiping up novice
DODGE29.ZIP 2,503 03-11-94 A Doom v1.2 recorded .lmp file of E2M9
DOOM2D10.ZIP 392,200 08-28-94 DEMO OF DOOM II MONSTERS, ver. 1.0
DOOM2GFX.ZIP 425,391 04-07-94 Incredible Demo of what Doom can do...
DOOM2LMP.ZIP 13,600 11-27-94 LMP Demo for Doom2 1.7a. Dead Simple on UltraViolence mode. Made with the mouse :).
DOOM2_15.ZIP 44,035 12-20-94 LMP demo of Doom II level 15 "IndustrialZone".
DOOM2_17.ZIP 38,016 10-23-94 A DOOM II LMP recording of level 17 showing100% kills and secrets. It's one of thefunnest DOOM II levels - plenty of action!
DOOM2_18.ZIP 36,779 02-17-95 LMP Demo of Doom II level 18 showing 100%kills, secrets and items. Great view ofmonsters of all kinds killing each other!
DOOM2_26.ZIP 40,509 11-24-94 A Doom II LMP recording of level 26 showing100% kills and secrets.
DOOM2_27.ZIP 47,247 12-11-94 LMP demo of DOOM II, Level 27 (Monster Condo)in Ultra Violence skill level. Some funthings to watch in this recording.
DOOM4P.ZIP 20,989 01-29-94 Recording of a four player game of DOOM. Ifyou haven't had the chance to see this on anetwork, check this out. Anyone can view it.Use F12 to cycle between player viewpoints.
DOOMBOSS.ZIP 48,762 03-28-94 DOOM LMP file that demos the defeat of bossfrom episodes 2 & 3. Need registered version.
DOOMDEM1.ZIP 143,325 12-27-93 Recorded DEMO files to use with DOOM ver. 1.1get to the SECRET LEVEL..from LEVEL THREE, whdoors, etc...
DOOMDEMO.ZIP 54,871 12-29-93 A complete demo for Id's Doom. Shows thelocation of all secret rooms, items, andenemies. Made using Doom 1.1.
DOOMFILM.ZIP 32,761 02-13-94 View or Make a DOOM .LMP file. Game adjunct.
DOOMLVL7.ZIP 26,477 01-04-94 DOOM .LBM Movie of Level 7 (Knee-Deep in theDead.) Requires DOOM 1.0 (works withshareware or registered). To start, unzip toyour DOOM dir, and type "DOOM -DEVPARM-PLAYDEMO LEVEL7" Very exciting (by a friend
DOOMTOUR.ZIP 51,124 12-18-93 This will allow you to watch a complete tourof all nine levels of DOOM. Find out wherethe bad guys - dead bad guys - are and maybefind a couple of secret doors you've neverseen before. Have Fun!
DOOM_J1D.ZIP 46,313 07-06-94 LMP play files for use with DOOM-J11.ZIP-shows solutions to each level. Just unpackto your DOOM directory and run the batch file
DOOM_J2D.ZIP 66,696 08-28-94 Recorded solutions for JCM Episode 2! Thispackage is intended for use with JCM Episode2 (DOOM-J2.ZIP - required) Sit back and enjoythe show - solves all 9 levels and proves youcan complete the entire episode WITHOUT
DX2DOOM.ZIP 109,959 11-16-94 LMP Demo for doom 1.666 One big thing ofepisode 1 but small enough to run on 4 megs:) made with a mouse and the fast button onkeyboard.
E1_LMPS.ZIP 53,991 02-25-94 Doom Demo Levels - All Levels From Episode 1.
E2_LMPS.ZIP 67,481 02-26-94 Doom Demo Levels - All Levels From Episode 2.
E3_LMPS.ZIP 63,905 02-27-94 Doom Demo Levels - All Levels From Episode 3.
EP1DEMO.ZIP 260,527 10-26-94 Ultraviolent, Ultrafast (-turbo) DOOM I demoof episode #1 - the whole thing withoutdieing or cheating! Re-recorded for lesscheese. YOU should have a 486DX w/ 8MB RAM orbetter for a smooth ride. I used a trackball
EP2DEMO.ZIP 623,357 10-16-94 Very Fast Paced DOOM 1.666 Demo. Episode 2with lots of hidden stuff including thehidden level "Fortress of Mystery". I neverdie on this one and there are No problemswith it this time around. Another words this
EP3DEMO.ZIP 285,428 10-26-94 Episode 3 for DOOM I. Very Fast Paced Demo!Includes all of episode 3 with hidden level.Almost all hidden stuff. As usual I never diein this episode on a skill level of 3 - "Hurt
ESCAPLMP.ZIP 10,126 06-01-94 Demo battle from Escape Wad file, LMP for Doo
FAST!.ZIP 2,035 04-06-95 FAST!.LMP is a Doom 2 1.9 Lmp which attemptsto demonstrate the outrunning of a BFG shoton Level 13.
FISTLMP.ZIP 34,412 12-08-94 A cool lmp of Level 8 episode 1 Knee Deep Inthe Dead. Takes out both Barons of Hell withFists. Has batch for easy viewing. For Doom1.666
FOURPLAY.ZIP 8,630 01-28-94 Doom: 4-player LMP.
HOEDEMOS.ZIP 23,038 10-13-94 Doom 2 Hell on Earth demos! These coverlevels 1 - 4 (more to come soon!). 100% ofeverything, ultraviolence, no cheats -cheatsare for wimps. To view these LMP's unzip thisfile into your /DOOM2 directory and type GATE
JCM1-16D.ZIP 79,380 09-29-94 Recorded solutions for JCM Episode 1! =Updated for use with DOOM 1.6 = This packageis intended for use with JCM Episode 1(JCM1-16.ZIP and registered DOOM version 1.6required) Sit back and enjoy the show -
JCM2-16D.ZIP 93,975 09-24-94 Recorded solutions for JCM Episode 2! =Updated for use with DOOM 1.6 = This packageis intended for use with JCM Episode 2(JCM2-16.ZIP and registered DOOM version 1.6required) Sit back and enjoy the show -
JZ-E1M1F.ZIP 1,730 07-24-94 Really fast Demo of E1M1
KILLDEMO.ZIP 13,298 09-18-94 Will remove demos from any Doom Wad file
KILLINGS.ZIP 9,551 10-07-94 This is a demo for doom.Has supreme killing iE1M1 and E1M2.
KREIGL_2.ZIP 6,082 01-17-95 This is yet another one of the many LMP demosfrom DOOM blowhards who claim to be the endall beat all master gods of playing DOOM,only this one uses a keyboard, and insultseveryone who uses a mouse or Cyberman.
LEDGESL.ZIP 4,900 07-15-94 Doom: LEDGESL lmp.
LMP10.ZIP 5,282 10-03-94 lmp10.doc is The unofficial LMP formatdescription
LMPC21.ZIP 33,806 10-24-94 The DOOM LMP Control Program, v2.1
RAL4HAL1.ZIP 1329,167 09-15-94 A large collection of demo battles for Doom,
RAL4HAL2.ZIP 874,490 09-15-94 A large collection of demo battles for Doom,
RAL4HAL3.ZIP 875,447 09-15-94 A large collection of demo battles for Doom,
RD11WON1.ZIP 590,902 03-03-80 Another huge demo for all of Doom!
REGIST1.ZIP 12,032 07-29-94 an LMP for doom v1.2
REGIST2.ZIP 76,498 07-29-94 an LMP for doom v1.2
RIADIES.ZIP 79,640 09-14-94 Demo of how to play Riadies Doom mission
ROBDIES.ZIP 41,020 09-14-94 Demo of how to play Robdies Doom mission
SCREAML.ZIP 41,530 05-30-94 Doom: Scream.LMP.
SPDRLMP.ZIP 162,242 07-29-94 Well this is my first attempt at fighting theSpider Demon on Nitemare mode and to me itlooks like a pretty good FIRST try!